MCAS - Parent App
We communicate with parents through the My Child at School app (MCAS).
My Child at School is an online portal for parents/carers that enables you to view your child’s performance at school in real-time via the web or using the mobile app. The facility allows instant access to:
- Lesson Timetables
- Student Behaviour
- Attendance
- Important Documents
- Student Reports and much more…
In preparation for your child starting with us you will be given support on how to download and use the app, as well as your login details. Our school ID for MCAS is: 11678.
The app will provide you with useful information such as lesson-by-lesson attendance, overview of behaviour and rewards, and access to your child’s written reports and progress updates which are released twice yearly. You also will be able to read communications sent by staff and message the academy using the app.
For more information, please download this MCAS Information Pack for parents.