Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Contact Us

Whether you’re the parent or carer of a current student, interested in sending your child to our school in the future or a member of the community who would like to learn more about what we do, we would love to hear from you.

Our academy address:
Oasis Academy DR
Walsh Avenue
BS14 9SQ

Tel: 0117 405 9749
Email: info@oasisdaventryroad.org  

Larger delivery vehicles will need to continue to come through the John Williams entrance
Oasis Academy John Williams
BS14 9BU

If you would like to contact the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, please address correspondence to Steph Collins either via the academy address or by telephone or email. 

Tel: 0117 405 9749
Email: steph.collins@oasisdaventryroad.org  

If you have any admissions enquiries, do please get in touch with us either through the main school telephone line or directly to our admissions inbox on admissions@oasisdaventryroad.org  

If you have any governance queries please do get in touch with our Regional Director, details can be found in our Governance section.  

Should you require any further information on this website, including issues regarding accessibility and paper copies, please do not hesitate to contact info@oasisdaventryroad.org 

If you wish to know more about our Multi-Academy Trust, Oasis Community Learning, please contact:

Oasis Community Learning
The Oasis Centre, 
1 Kennington Road,

Tel: 020 7921 4200
Email: ocl@oasisuk.org